oh ill be outta here for the mean time.
because of the busy sched i have at school, i dont have any time to check or create some entry for my blog. so for the meantime ill just be out in here just for awhile lang naman. XD
olryt? see yaah ;)
Friday, September 11, 2009
it might take a while
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
SHINEE at top 10
1.TVXQ (more than 50 million votes)
2. Super Junior (more than 25 million votes)
3. Rain (more than 2 million votes)
4. Wonder Girls (more than 8 hundred thousand votes)
5. BigBang (more than 8 hundred thousand votes)
6. SS501
7. FT.island
8. Xing
9. Super Nova
10 . SHINee
11 . Kattun
12 . Boa
13 . Epik High
14 . NEWS
15 . lolli pop
16 . Fahrenheit
17 . Seven
18 . Girls’ Generation
19 . Arashi
20 . U-kiss
21 . ZhangLiyin
22 . Cheon Sang Ji Hee The Grace
23 . 2pm
24 . Teppei
25 . Hay ! Say ! Jump
26 . Battle
27 . Paran
28 . Kara
29 . Yaya yah!
30 . Jay Chou , X-JAPAN
yeeey! hooray for shinee. they are in the 10th spot. its ok even though they are 10th because at least they're still in the TOP10 right? oh yeaaah! :)) well, i hope next time they will be in the number one place. hahahahahaha!
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 9:35 PM 0 comments
MJ= minho jackson :))
waaaa. this is so cute. MINHO poses for a magazine like michael jackson. there is no article or brief explanations attach to the photos. but i think the magazine has a part wherein they have a tribute to MJ. im really not sure. XD but who cares, they really pick the right guy to this poses and this pictures. minho is really adorable. gaaaah! hahahahaha. he's so handsome and hot right? woooo. ok im obsessed with him. sorry ahh, but i really cant help it. oh well. cheers for my romeo MINHO for these amazing pictures.
~ T
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 9:29 PM 0 comments
boys do cry too. T.T
oh gosh. im really shocked and i really felt sad when i saw this pic. i cant believe that my MINHO is crying. goshhh. the first thing that i said was " waaaa! minho, dont cry please. T.T" his tears are ready to fall when this pic was captured. i never saw him like that before so im really shock. we (pointing to shinee fans like me ;P) all know him as one of the mysterious, serious and silent type member of shinee (thats why i love him. uuugh!) so as a supporter of shinee, its very shocking to see minho like this. i do saw some of the members tearful when they receive an award. i felt sad too but not like this. gaaaah! i want to hug him tightly and comfort him. raaawr! hahahahahaha! ok OBSESSED. this is really shocking. OMGEE! imagine? MINHO CRYING? haiii. nakakadepress. T.T :(
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
SHINEE makes me happy :)

so its obvious that after WG and F4, now i love shinee. hahahahaha!
after hearing there songs again and again and again. i realize that i really do love them.
i first heard them from QUITE, my ever loving classmate and a korean addict as well. :)) love yoo quiteeeeee. thanks for introducing them to me. hahaha!
among all the members, i really do love MINHO <3
but syempre, i love all the members of shinee. they are so cute and adorable.
uuuuuuugh! ADDDDDICT! :))
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
nick and norah's infinite playlist
ow gosh, this movie was fantastic. i just watched it last night and i'd love the story so much. and i fell in love MOOOOOORE! with michael cera. even if he always portrays dorky roles (like in juno) he's still the most hottest and cutest dork for me. raaaaar! actually i really dont like NORAH (played by kat dennings). i mean she speaks like she's drunk or something idk! she speaks exactly the same like juno. haha! im a ryt? did yoo notice that? whatever! haha. it just pop up into my mind because while im watching nick and norah, when norah spokes, her voice where kinda familiar to me. and juno just pop up into my mind and i realize there voice where the same. they speak like they are drunk or something. weird ha! XD
Nick: Maybe we don't have to find it. Maybe we are the pieces.
Norah: Nick? I'm coming in...
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
now a fan
oh yea, the title said it. now im a fan of the korean girl group
they are really cool. the first time i watched the music vid of wonder girls which is "NOBODY" the catchy beat just caught me off guard and then i just woke up realizing that i love wonder girls and nobody became one of my favorite songs. yeeey!
" i want nobody nobody but you. i want nobody nobody but you :) "
~ T
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 10:04 PM 0 comments
welcome college :)
FIRST DAY sooper badtrep. i went to school as early as possible, and to my surprise the moment i went down to the cab (mini jeep, so cute) there were policemen and there is a long line that leads through the door. when i take a look, there is this check up thing to know whether you have H1N1. raaaawr! it took me almost an hour before i entered the school. it doesnt end there. when the nurse took my temp, the result was 37.7 they thought i have a fever so they lead me to a room to undergo another checking of my temp. my goooooosh! the good thing of it, because of the checking thing, i met a friend who is really nice but too bad coz she's not my classmate. awwww! we had a ceremony in about 2 hours, i think. so after that i check my sched and my section. it was a relief to know that my last class will end at 10:30am because at that time, it was 9am. so i only have 1 and a half hour before i go home. after getting the sched, i rushly went to my classroom and shoot, i was late. haha! but only for 5 minutes. not to bad. i met some new friends. coooool. im so friendly right? hahahahahahaha! after some lame discussions, finally it was the end of my class. yeeey! i went home early and just sleep the whole time. :))
SECOND DAY ive had a terrible morning because i was sooper late for my first class. because of the stupid traffic and the stupid rain, i decided to ditch my first class. i know right, second day of my class nakapagcutting kagad ako. wahahahahaha! because im already 1 hour late na so i just take a sit in some benches and make a tour at the campus with my new loving friend carla. she's not my classmate eh so we had different sched. at that time it was her break so she's free to accompany me. haha! nandamay pa eh noh XD then after an hour waiting, my first class ended. and thanks for my new classmates, ive had the chance to talk to sir and had my attendance checked. yeey! lusot. :)) then after eating lunch at the cafeteria with my new ever loving friends we went to MOA and just chill there. it was such a blast coz there in moa, nagmeet kame ni quite. wooooo! i missed him terribly so the whole time that we were there, we just chat and laugh and then chat and then laugh again. hahahaha! saglet lang kame nakapagbond coz i still had my class eh. and then my next classes where the best. love my new blockmates, my new profs, my new school. yeeeea! hahaha. im now enjoying my stay in MADOCS so i hope it will be for the whole time of my stay there.
~ T
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
all over again
ow, blogging again.
last night, because of my insomnia thing. i watched HANA YORI DANGO. the japanese version of meteor garden and BOF. its really a bummer. my god even though its my second time of watching it, i do cry on some of the dramatic parts. geez, i dont know. whenever tsukushi makino and tsukasa domyouji is having a sad moments, i really cried. ugggh! whats wrong with me. haha! well its still freaking good. i love it so much. next time ill try to watch meteor garden all over again.
and btw, i just want to spill my fave scene in HYD. its the proposal of domyouji to tsukushi. gosh! its sooper cute, i want to have a proposal someday just like that. haha! the scene is supposed to be the eituko high school graduation prom, because of tsukushi having problems along the way to her school, she arrived late at eituko. as she entered the venue, she saw domyouji in the spotlight asking for her hand. and as tsukushi accepted the proposal, the lights were open and there are so many people. as in sooper many and there were confetti and fireworks all over the place. tsubaka was there, sakurako, the ex fiancee of domyouji (forgot her name), yuki, the three girls who bullied tsukushi last time, shizuka, and most especially the F4. its sooper cool, i sooper dooper love that scene. haha!
omgee, i almost forgot. tomorrow is my first day at school. mixed emotions right now. hope tomorrow will be an awesome day. lets cross our fingers everybody. XD
~ T
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
BOF mania <3
waaaa. totally addicted to boys over flowers. its the korean version of hana yori dango and meteor garden. i like this more than hana yori dango. but syempre i still love meteor garden more.
im so pissed coz as of now, i still dont have a cd of BOF. i can't watch sa net coz our net connection is slow so i have no choice but to buy a cd at pacita (yea. home of the pirateds XD) anyway as of now im still catching up the scenes at abs every night. i sooper love the scenes of jan di and ji hoo as of now coz they look cute together and ji hoo is very nice to jan di. i think as the days go by i will start to love the relationship between jan di and jun pyo :) also im looking forward to see the love story of jan di's bestfriend eun jae and the playboy yi jeong. i think they look cute together. yii.
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
what a great day
this is one of my best day ever this summer. me and my bagito loves just went to school this morning and it became a chance for us to bond and see each other. gosh i miss them so much and i enjoy the whole day with them. we went to school to get our alumni ID :) my face looks sick in the id. my god. and then we went upstairs to see if our teachers are there, and then tambay lang kame dun. saya. XD after our tambay in CSA. we went to SM sta.rosa. wala kameng napala dun. we just ate there and then some decided to go to kir's crib, but me i decided to go home coz masaket ung paa ko. our jeepney moments is so hilarious. dameng comedy. antraffic kasi so nagtrip trip na lang kame sa jeep para makalimutan namen ang init. may fresh air, black magic, at englishan na naganap sa jeep. (they know what i mean XD) so there. what a day ha? haha. this is so great coz finally i saw them again. i really enjoy there company so much. haiii. thats all. then tonight, i just watch BOYS OVER FLOWERS. raaaaaaawr. addicted to it. love them all. :)
~ T
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
GG :)
waaa. i miss blogging. haha. its been four days since i last used the laptop. my dad and my kapatids went to the province and they brought the laptop so hindi ako nakapaglaptop ng almost four days. but now im back. yeaaaa. XD
so the last four days. i just help my mom in arranging our stuffs here at our house. ginagawa kasi bahay namen eh and nagpapagoodshot ako para makapagparelax nq ng hair. wahahaha. landot eh noh. and then during night time. its my GOSSIP GIRL MARATHON. :) i always sleep 3am in the morning coz im watching GG. yeaa im totally addicted to it. the first time i heard GG, im not really that interested on watching it. but one day, i try to watch it coz there are no more good shows in other channels so i watch it and see of its really good. and after watching i was like, ' gosh, i really need to bought the CD of this' hahahaha.
now im one of the pips who loves watching gossip girl. i know im sooper late but sorry naman ah ngaun lang naadik eh. XD now im about to end season1 and ill start to watch season2 soon. yey. its so exciting. love it.
~ T
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
misses everything
currently im drinking my favorite drink CHUCKIE. haiiii. then while im blogging right here. theres a thing that just pop up on my mind. but i dont want to spill it here. LOL. :)
its a boring day today. nothing special happen for me to spill here. i just hang out in our store coz our maid who actually the real person assigned in our store just take her vacation in her hometown. so now im actually stuck there. i have no choice. but its still good coz my mom was paying me and now i really have to work so that i can have a money for my hair treatment. i want to straighten my hair. i really want to. so i need to work harder for me to have money. hai. what a summer. cool huh? ugh. by the way. this day i watch my fave show. HOT SHOT. oh yeah i love it so much. im hooked up with wu chun, jerry yan, and zhan min yang. such a hottie. and zhan min yang reminds me of someone really really special. T____T
you know what. i sooper love candy mag. the issue is full of stuffs about robi and some pictures too. my gosh. since i bought that magazine. im reading it before i sleep. i sooper love robi. yiii.
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
dad and pacquiao
MAY 3, 2009. its my dad's big day. he's 38 years old right now. yea still young? wahahaha.
its so fun coz this morning we gave our gifts to my dad and then every gift he opens, we all laugh. dont know why. weeeeird. and then after the opening of gifts. we ate. syempre here lang sa haws. later pa ang bonggang celebration. xD
today. its all about pacquiao. cant believe that he won. gosh. i though hatton will won. owkey never mind that. im so annoyed right here. ANG INGAY EH. they are all shouting for pacquiao. rawr. they are very supportive talaga. hahaha. while they were watching pacquiao and shouting like hell. im just here blogging :) i just finished watching one more chance. awwww. i really love that movie. very touching and somehow i can relate to the film. love popoy and basha. hahaha. everytime i watch this movie, naaalala ko si eunice. my very very good friend. she really loves one more chance and the story really relates to her. awwww. i miss her. :(
its sunday so need to hear mass. another meeting with GOD.
last sunday i didnt attend the mass. BAD. but now babawi ako. yeeaaaa.
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
ROBI like.
so ive discovered a spoof like vid at youtube which was posted by a japanese guy i think. ryan is his name not sure. ok whatever. so he's making some stuffs. some are weird. yes guys. WEEEEEIRD.
but some are good. i think. and the guy in the vid looks like robi. yea. as in magkamukha sila. taeeeeeee. miles' is right. he really looks like robi. wahahaha.
katext ko si miles last night and she told me to watch this vid on youtube and i will see a guy which looks like robi. oh men. haaaaaiii. love love robi.
so if you want to watch the vid. just go on youtube and type NIGAHIGA. ok?
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 3:48 PM 0 comments
owkey so i had discovered another obsession of mine which is watching 90210. i find the story very interesting so ive decided to watch it. and then i fell in love with adam gregor and matt lanter. oh yeah. they are so hot. HANDSOME. :)
so another boring day. yes it is. thank god for 90210. it makes my day good. xD
still hoping for my laptop to be fixed. gosh its been weeks since my laptop has been broken. waaaaaa. the damage is weird. the microsoft of my laptop has expired. blah blah blah. sorry naman. im not good at computer stuffs.
hey hey. im starting to love TWITTER. everyday i post some shout outs there. yea i mean EVERYDAY. im posting some weird shout outs there. you know naman. im good at weird stuffs. so if ever yoo visit my twitter. please understand na lang. ok? wahahaha.
gotta go. OUT.
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
watching wowowee. wahahaha. i just finished watching they kiss again. which ive watched many times but still im addicted to it. ironic huh? its cute kc eh. xD
im here blogging just to shout out on all of yoo that I REALLY MISS BAGITOS.
last night we've talked about the farewell thing. some wanted to have one but some i think they're not that in to it. but me. i just wanted to hang out with the guys. chill. trippin and anything. haha. owkey soo im going crazy over here. weirdness.
got nothing to say. OUT.
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
cant get enough
last day of april. its may already. gosh then after may. its june already. pasukan na naman. waaaa.
for sure may will be the most busy month for me this year. im not yet enrolled so i need to accomplished some stuffs for my enrollment. i need to be ready for college so i will do some kaartihan to myself so that i will look fab for college. oh yeah thats right. i want to have myself enrolled na coz i really want to know my sched. sana maluwag sched ko. yeaaaa. xD
im really not yet ready for college. a little bit excited but not yet prepared. aiiish. is this it?
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
shooooocks. is this the most boring summer ever or what? i really want to go to the mall and hang out with JOOOOHN FRENDS :) but we're out of money. goshiiiiieee.
so another rainy day. its much boring when its raining. the weather is cold and all i ever wanted is to sleep. oh shoot. got nothing to say. out :)
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
what a waste
a crazy day. just went to manila doctors hospital for my dental check up. my sis accompany me there. saglet lang din kame coz we don't have enough money. i was so pissed off. we waited at the waiting area for almost 1 hour and then the doctor will just check my teeth. and that's it. wow grabeh. pikon ako ng bonggang bongga eh.
gosh. i really miss bagitos. hope to see them this week. last night ngconference na naman kame. some nakausap ko lang saglet. and then the remaining persons that i spoke too is rigel, quite, and eunice. grabeh i missed them and their voice. awts. wahahahaha.
another thing. just wanna share the new artists that i'm checkin out too. THE VERONICAS. they are twins and so cool. they're faces are too much alike. as in define alike. sooper carbon copy. i've watched there music video 'untouched' on mtv. its weird and its kinda goth. but the song is kinda catchy so i liked it. :)
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
nothing new
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
owkeey. so the weather is weird. yesterday it's so stormy and now it's so sunny outside. the summer fever is back again. the temperature is hot and it's another great time to go to the beach. oh yeah i sooper love the beach. now i want to go to ilocos. i saw a resort there which is very beautiful. it has a swimming pool and the beach has white sand. so beautiful. OMGEEE i almost forgot. i don't have any camera to capture my summer moments. haaaaaiiii. emooo. cry. T__T
after the sooper sermon that i received from mom, now we're starting to be ok again. this is so great. i thought she will be mad at me like forever.
later i will go to the dentist to have my tooth fix. and then tomorrow i will be back at manila doctors for my dental check up. ugh. there again? shiiiit. i really don't want to go back there because i'll just remember the stupidity of mine that i have done. aiiiiiish. i hate it.
this week will be a great week for me. and i'll promise that to myself.
i'll hang out with my loves bagitos even though i don't have any money. i really miss them so much and i'll try to do everything just to be with them. awww. sweet. :)
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
malas day ever
this day sucks. waaaaaaaaaaaaa!
me and bhes went to manila doctors for my physical exam. its the first time that we went to manila together and all by ourselves. its sooper tiring when we were there coz we went around and around at the whole hospital. grabeeh talaga. so after 3 hours of walking around and going to certain laboratories and rooms. we finally finished everything. but not everything coz i still need to go back there for my dentla check up. im not yet that finished so another suffering day on monday. raaaaawr. we thought that this will be great coz we had experienced how to go to manila all by ourselves. but we we're wrong.
as we go home. we ride on the bus. as we we're sitted i check my bag if something is missing or what. and then i get my money at my bag to pay the conductor our pamasahe so as i was getting my money i put my digi cam at my lap. and then after i pay i thought i put already the digi cam right back on my bag. so while on the road. me and bhes both fell asleep and then after that we woke up. get rid on the bus and then went straigh right at home.
and then as i was checking my bag to get the digi cam. i didnt saw it there. omgeee. ive lost my digi cam. no no. it was stolen. waaaaaaaa! MY DIGI CAM WAS STOLEN. shiiiit. this sucks. im so scared on what my parents will say. waaa. gosh. sooper sermon na naman abot ko nito. haiii.
well there. just sharing the most stupid moment of my life. x_x
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
17 again
yey. finally. ive already watch 17 again. and its soo good. yeaaaaa! zacky is a hottie right there. oh yeah. the story is like the movie 13 going on 30 according to bhes. but its more awesome. its not just because zac is on the lead but also its twist and turns is good. :)
but there is something happened at festi but its not that bad. thank god i dont see the person i dont want to see because the beautiful day might become a nightmare for mee. too bad that i didn't had the chance to see delo around. awww. i miss him naa. but a miracle happened coz i saw delo in the jeepney. yeeeey!
tomorrow will be the sched for my physical exam. waaaaa. nervous. im going there with my sis and bhes. coz my mom dont want to accompany me coz she thinks being there will be boring so there. need to sacrifice. haiiiiii. it will be an another day at manila. im now starting to familiarize the roads there and next skool year i will be a manila girl na. yayks. xD
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
nakakamiss T__T
im watching meteor garden in mysoju right now. waaa! bigla ko kasi siyang namiss eh kaya ive decided to watch it again. xD and gosh bumalik yung crushing moments ko kay vic zhou. gawwwd! he's really a hottie and so gwapo. grabeeeeh! ahaha. nakakainlab lang eh. aiiiiiiish. biglang nagtalandi eh. wahahaha.

Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
dream phone
raaaaaaawr. want this phone soo much. as in. but im currently poor and out of money. how can i bought this? waaaaa! its so cool coz its touch screen and its an express music. i want to replace my phone which i had last september 2007 with this fone. hai. sooper dream. :)

Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 6:37 PM 0 comments
while the rain pours
waa. 2 days straight of rain. still the weather is cold. feels so good.
boredom still present. got nothing to do here at our house. i cant control myself in eating. aiiiiish. badtrip. i bet i'll gain a lot of weight this summer. raawwr! good luck college. xD
tomorrow will be my physical exam at manila doctors. gosh! i feel so nervous. dont know why.
its gonna be a terrible day tomorrow. thats for sure.
owkey. now im thinking what ill gonna say. ahhhhmmm. hmmm. ahhhh. waaa. speechless. wahahaha!
i dont have any stuffs to share with yoo coz its raining and then im doing nothing. what could i share?
right now i want many things. i want to eat at MCDO. even though its raining i still want a sundae. the oreo ones. rawwwr! crave. i want to see my bagitos. waaa. i miss them soo much. cant wait for our farewell. i want to shop. yeaaa! i want to see robi domingo in person. sooper dream! @.@ what else? hmm. owkey enough na. wahaha. crazzzy! xD i just enter this things so that my entry will at least be long. haha!
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
just got home from the beach. yeaaa! beaching is fun. yes i said beaching in purpose. wahahaha! we stayed in this resort in san antonio, zambales for almost 1 whole day. coz we arrive there at 10 in the morning and then we left at 12 noon the next day. had soo much fun with my family and some family friends. sooper bonding.
oh well. so as part of the beaching thing. i became tan. as in. my upper arm and my lower arm's color doesn't match because i swim wearing my little miss snapshot shirt. and boy my sunburn hurts a lot. gossh! and its very sandy there. the sand is getting in to our shirts and shorts also its sticking in our hair. gawwd! but still its ok. i still love the beach anyway even though the big waves are eating us alive. xD its so fun when the big waves are getting near to yoo becauser yoo can't stop it for banging on yoo and you can't avoid on falling and sometimes yoo can also lay down because of this strong waves. so much fun. haha! i laugh a lot when my tita and my couz roll on the shore because they were hit by the waves. wahahaha! hilarious. as in define gulong. xD waaaa! can't wait for our next swimming. hope its gonna be on the beach again. yey!
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
need money. raaaawr!
hoooooot. gawwd. the heat is making me feel annoyed. haiii. my blood pressure is rising because of this damn heat. xD.
anyways. not in the mood for blogging.
just wanna add some entry. rawwr!
im starting to love playing left for dead. and gosh i dreamed about it last night. it really has a big impact to mee. yeaaa! killing zombies, shooting them with shot guns and this little gun. dont know the name. awesome! HAHA.
well thats it. my head is currently not functioning properly right now. uggggh!
DAMN. i want to go to the mall and shop some dresses. but im still poor. still dont have money. what to do? x________x
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
another day. another boring day. haiiii. i slep late last night. AGAIN. and then as usual i woke up late. nothing change. haha.
i dreamed about ROBI last night. gosh. best dream ever. ahahaha. because of that unforgettable dream i search some pictures of him in google soo that i can use some as my desktop background here in my laptop. ADIK. xD. so as i was searching. i saw an article about an interview with robi and his mom that says ROBI'S MOTHER IS WORRIED ABOUT HIM GETTING A GIRLFRIEND. waaaaaaaaaa! the hell. soo when i open it. i read the article. and there is these sentence that says that robi admits that he is courting someone. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! T____________T emoooooooooo. this is the partial content of the article.
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
damn summer.
gotta do:
-sleep. coz i woke up early.
-magtinda. so that i can make money. yeaa!
-watch my myx. robi is on it. yeeeeey!
-laptop. as usual. wahahaha!
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 3:21 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
easter sunday :)
awww. gosh. i just woke up. and as usual. tanghali na naman ako nagising. waaaaaaaa! hindi na talaga ako magising gising ng mejo maaga. naman oh. xD. haha!
soo bye for now. need to make ligo ligo. haha! magsisimba na kame later. :) mua!
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 12:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
awwwwwwww. everyday nqng ganitoo. last night. i mean morning. i slept 4am. the hell. hindi talaga akoo makatulog. as in sobra. so habang hndi pq natutulog basa na lang akoo ng twilight. hanggang sa datnan ako ng antok. haii grabeh then ngayon kakagising koo lang at take note. its 11 na ng tanghali. wow db? haha! errrrrrrrrrr. this is insomnia. ugh!
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
good friday
its GOOD FRIDAY today. sooper silent ang lahat. kahit sa labas ng bahay namen sooper tahimik. walang mga adik na nagliliwaliw sa labas. walang nagiinuman. walang nagvvideoke. sarap sa tenga ng ganitoo. haha! oh well. nagvisita iglesia kame ngayon. first nagpunta kamee sa paco church. located siya sa alma mater ng papa koo. ayos lang naman siya. anlake din ng skool. haha! then after punta naman ng quiapo church. penitensya abot namen. anlayo kasi ng parking dun sa church kaya lakad kame ng pagkalayo layo. grabeeh. nahilo lang naman akoo dun. tapos punta naman ng church sa sta. cruz ata or sta. mesa basta malapet lang sa quiapo church. grabeeh. lakad na naman. juskoooo. ANG HIRAP. sobrang jabar ang abot koo eh. pero ayos lang naman. para kay GOD naman eh. time to sacrifice :) tapos ayon nung papunta na kame ng kotse. nagyaya ninong ko na bumili daw kame ng DVD. mura lang daw. hahaha! grabeh mura nga siya infairnes. ang mga tindang CD 3 for 100. grabeh. may mga concert pang pirated. haha! habang bumibili sila mejo lumalayo ako. ayoko matempt. kasi good friday eh. bad bumili ng pirated. wow ambaet. haha! xD. pagkatapos ng walang katapusang paglalakad sa quiapo. eh diretso naman kame ng tagaytay. haiiii sa wakas. haha! nkakatuwa pa kasi nadaanan namen SVD. awwww. naalala koo mga bagitos. yiii. talaga naman oh. pabida sila sa utak koo eh. mga pastar. haha! tapos ayon nung nsa tagytay na. punta kameng chapel. pray ulet. then uwi na. sumaglet lang kame sa tagaytay eh. nilanghap lang namen yung malameg na hangin. haha! sawa na kasi kame sa init. minsan na lang makalanghap ng malamig na hangin eh. lubusin naa. xD. ayon. yun lang. naging dora the explorer ang drama koo sa dame ng mga pinuntahan namen. pero masaya din kasi at least i sacrifice the whole day for god. ansarap sa pakiramdam. BANAL NA BANAL nq. x) well thats it. keep safe everybody. ALWAYS PRAY. :)
i love papa GOD :)
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
robi is hot :)
OMGEEEEE. define HOT? si ROBI na yon. gawwwwd. im sooper dooper crazy for him. shiit. grabeh. ewan koo ba kung bakit adik na adik ako sakanya. wahahaha! sooper obsess. xD. wala lang. nagulat lang kasi ako nung nakita ko tong pic niya eh. nainlove ako lalo sakanya. ahahaha. he really makes my day complete. kaya sooper abang ako sa myx eh. kasi almost everyday nakikita ko siya dun. yeaa! OK AKO NA ADIK. wahahaha! xD wala lang. just sharing yoo this hot picture of ROBI MARION DOMINGO. awww. he is such a hottie. ang papabol ng face eh. rawr! ahahaha.
ROBI is loooooooooveeeee :)
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
waaaaaaaaaaa. its been 2 weeks nung nagstart ang bakasyon. and still. wala akong ibang ginawa kundi matulog. kumaen. mangtrip. kumaen. manuod. kumaen. magnet. kumaen. at matulog. WTH db? grabeh napupurga nq dito sa bahay takte. atat na atat nqng magbeach eh. tapos yung mga tao dito samen mukhang walang balak magbeach. shiiiiiit. hindi ko mafeel ang summer. sayang yung binili kong damet pangbeach. wahaha! xD. the hell talaga. tapos next week aatupagin ko na yung para sa enrollment chorva ko for college. waaaaaa. ayoko pa. mas masaya pa talaga sa school. ok lang sana pumasok eh. BASTA WALA LANG KLASE. wahaha! nakakamiss pa yung mga bagito loves koo. nakakamiss mga kaotistican nila. takte. oh siya siya. first time ko magblog dito ampanget pa nung mga pinaglalalagay koo. ahaha. soori. xD.
bye bye.
<---- gosh. MISS KO NA TONG MGA BAGITONG ITOH. wahaha! EMOO. xD.
love yoo JOHN :) yiiiii.
Posted by trixieeeeee :) at 10:40 PM 0 comments